Phonesex Nympho Ellen

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Hey guys, are you ready to talk to a whore that can't get enough cock? I'm ready for you your friend or even your girlfriend. I'm all about exploration and I love gangbangs, peepers, and orgies. I want you, and I won't mind if you pass me around to all your friends. As long as I get cum, cum, cum... I'll be happy.

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I know what you crave and I'm ready willing and able to make every hole available to you. Are you ready for me to wrap my lips around that cock, lapping up your precum while I play with my pussy? Make sure you slide your fingers inside me too, I want you to feel how wet you make me -- Better yet, how about you letting me take your face for a ride, if you make me cum with that wonderful tongue of yours I promise that I'll return the favor.

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Of course, the one thing that I need is your prick. You are going to give it to me, right? I can't wait for it to slide into my slick little cunt. You are going to love how tight I am. My pussy is going to grip your cock tight, I love to feel you throbbing inside me. If I were to bet on the one thing that you would like more then my cunt it would be that sweet tight ass. That's right guys, I'm an ass slut too! Come on, don't you want those balls bouncing off my perfect ass cheeks as you plow in to me deeper and deeper? Most of all I want to feel that hot cream shooting all over me. I want it in my pussy, my ass, and all over my face.

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I'm and adventurous little phonesex nympho and pleasing you is my only desire, let's cum together for a good time.